Amazing Aqualyx Before and After Results

Aqualyx Treatment Before and After

Non-surgical fat-dissolving treatments are among the most popular weight loss and figure correction options. They are much safer and less complicated than liposuction, and people can reach their desired looks with the help of a few procedures. Aqualyx treatment is a well-known method often used for the body, neck, and facial zones, so today’s article is dedicated to this beneficial solution.

FillerSupplies often talks about the top products on this website, and we believe it’s a good idea to discuss our bestsellers here. By doing so, we may encourage people to try this effective procedure, as well as explain all the essentials to increase awareness among our clients’ patients.

In case you want to purchase Aqualyx to use in your clinic, check it out at FillerSupplies. We offer an excellent variety of injectables at advantageous prices, so don’t miss this opportunity!

The Definition of Aqualyx

Aqualyx – fat-dissolving injections manufactured by Marllor, a pharmaceutical company from Italy. It’s used locally and meant to dissolve fat cells in target areas. The solution contains deoxycholic acid (or secondary bile acid) of synthetic origin and some plant-based ingredients as the active substance, making it one of the best options to get rid of stubborn fat cells in people who would like to improve their appearance.

Aqualyx is also known under the names Aqualysis, Aquaplasty, and Motolese Solution.

The unique composition makes this product suitable for numerous aesthetic goals, and we are going to discuss them in more detail in the next paragraph.

Indications and General Usage

The main goal of this non-surgical treatment is to reduce fat cells in certain areas; it’s an excellent option for those who don’t find traditional weight loss methods helpful, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and an active lifestyle in general. This minimally-invasive procedure is an excellent alternative to liposuction that requires more effort, money, and recovery time.

On top of that, Aqualyx can improve skin elasticity and solve the problem of sagging skin in some body and face zones. That’s why body contouring treatments are often performed with this brand to correct the body shape slightly and deal with stubborn areas. Still, remember that this product is not meant for weight loss; yes, some patients may lose a few kilos after the administration session, but it’s just the result of fat dissolution.

Aqualyx Injections Before and After. Target Areas

Aqualyx works well for smaller and larger areas of the body and can be injected into several target regions. The most common ones are the followings:

  • Double chin (stubborn pockets of fat under the chin);
  • Under and upper arms;
  • Inner and outer hips;
  • Outer thighs (also known as saddle bags);
  • Knees;
  • Chest;
  • Back;
  • Tummy, abdomen, and stomach areas;
  • Under-buttocks zone.

Compared to other treatments, Aqualyx provides a relatively fast effect, natural-looking results, and noticeable improvement. No wonder so many people choose it as a supporting procedure to dissolve stubborn fat pockets.

If you’re struggling with knee osteoarthritis, you may be considering Orthovisc or Synvisc injections to help alleviate your symptoms. At, we provide a detailed comparison of these two treatments to help you make an informed decision.

Expected Results

A few things should be considered before the first treatment with Aqualyx; of course, we are talking about the expected effect!

  • First of all, remember that this solution can’t provide instant improvement; up to eight weeks are required to break the fat cell and get it out through the lymphatic system;
  • Secondly, this method is believed to be a permanent option, which means fatty deposits shouldn’t come back if a patient maintains a healthy lifestyle and gains beneficial eating habits.

To see the results, two to four procedures are required; there should be at least four weeks intervals between each of them. And even though the treatment is perfect for fat-dissolving purposes, it can’t deal with submental fat located deeper in the body tissues; surgery should be considered to take this condition under control.aqualyx products

Procedure Protocol

Aqualyx treatment can only be conducted by a well-educated specialist; this injectable can’t be purchased without a medical license, and using it without proper education has dangerous consequences for patients.

To perform the procedure, a few steps are required:

  1. A topical anesthetic is applied to the treated zone to reduce discomfort during the administration session;
  2. A series of Aqualyx injections are performed on the target area (multiple vials are needed to reach a decent effect);
  3. Fifteen to thirty minutes are required to finish the procedure;
  4. A specialist may massage the site to help the solution settle in the body tissues.

The number of procedures and vials is defined during the consultation before the treatment; this appointment is required to explain the process to a patient, discuss all the limitations, and determine whether Aqualyx is safe for an individual.

Potential Side Effects

Aqualyx rarely causes severe adverse reactions after the injection session; among the common symptoms patients should know are the following:

  • Bruising;
  • Numbness;
  • High skin sensitivity;
  • Irritation in the administration spot (redness, itchiness, etc.).

Typically, a few days are enough for all the adverse reactions to disappear completely. Sometimes, swelling may last for up to a month, but it’s a typical reaction to the process of fat cell breakage through the release of lipids.

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Before and After Treatment Recommendations

To ensure the injection session is non-problematic and is not followed by complications, a few before- and after-treatment recommendations should be remembered. Remember these simple rules and use them 24 hours before and after the appointment:

  • Choose baggy clothes to wear around the treated zone;
  • Avoid direct UV rays to protect sensitive skin (it’s essential to use SPF regularly);
  • Avoid places with excessive heat (like hot tubs or saunas);
  • Don’t apply makeup near the treated zone.

Limitations must be discussed with a patient before the administration session. For instance, the procedure is not possible if a patient suffers from any severe health conditions, such as fat processing problems, lymphatic system disease, and others) or has skin irritations around the treated zone. Also, it’s impossible to conduct the treatment if an individual is allergic to deoxycholate – the active ingredient of Aqualyx.

To Sum Up the Topic

Aqualyx is a perfect product for body contouring and skin improvement. With its help, it’s possible to dissolve stubborn fat cells under the skin and reach the aesthetic effect patients have always dreamt about. This option is fast, effective, and affordable as the injectable treatment, so different individuals may benefit from it in numerous ways. Give it a try yourself to achieve the looks you’ve always wanted! Thank you for reading this article; stay tuned for more interesting blog posts on our website.

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