
Durolane 60mg/3ml

Durolane 60mg/3ml

Original price was: $249.Current price is: $229.

Hyaluronic acid injections are the best for knee joint pain reduction because of the natural components used in this product, as well as the excellent formula (quite similar to the natural gel between joints to avoid painful sensations while moving). This brand is manufactured by the global pharmaceutical company of Bioventus, which is famous for other solutions used for osteoarthritis treatments:

The Durolane line has two variations of the injectable; the right one is picked based on the patient’s condition. Durolane and Durolane SJ with HA concentrations of 3ml and 1ml should be administered into the inflamed joint to provide pain relief and make it possible for a person to move freely again.

Product’s Composition

The primary active substance for all Durolane injections is hyaluronic acid of high molecular weight. Thanks to its strong moisturizing properties, it acts like a lubricant and shock absorber for the affected joint.

Apart from hyaluronic acid, Durolane also contains sodium chloride, disodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Because of this beneficial formula, Bioventus managed to create effective injectables for knee joint infections treatment. And let’s not forget that the product’s natural components guarantee safe procedures without severe adverse reactions afterward, which many patients find quite beneficial.

Durolane Dosing and Indications

The main task of the Durolane injectable is to eliminate painful sensations in joints for patients with osteoarthritis. It’s usually chosen as the first option if traditional treatment methods don’t work; for example:

Among joints that can be treated with this product are the knee, shoulder, hip, ankle, elbow, wrist, finger, and toe joints. Still, most specialists choose Durolane to cure knee pain caused by osteoarthritis.

Note: According to the procedure protocol, joint effusion should be removed from between the joints if it’s present. Excess fluid may cause discomfort, so this step is essential to ensure the results turn positive. 

Regarding dosage, it should be calculated based on one’s individual needs and the severity of the disease. Typically, more than one injection is required to see the maximum beneficial effect; remember that at least a week should pass between every administration session. However, for some areas, just one treatment session can be enough. To define the exact amount of medication needed for the improvement, a patient should go through all recommended medical tests.

Durolane Injection Cost

All the prices for Durolane injections are indicated on the Durolane brand page on the FillerSupplies website. Check it out to find the exact numbers and discover possible discounts. In case you have any questions regarding this topic, get in touch with our managers to discuss everything in more detail. We will be glad to help and guarantee you the best customer experience you’ve ever had!

Safety Information

Just like with other hyaluronic acid injections, some Durolane safety details should be discussed with a patient during the consultation with a medical professional. By mentioning those, it’s easier to calm down possible anxiety in patients before the unknown procedure, which can often be an issue during the actual treatment.

Side Effects of Durolane

Because Durolane is a hyaluronic acid injection, severe adverse reactions are rare for this product. Still, some mild side effects should be discussed with a person to make sure they know how to take care of themselves after the medical procedure. Typically, people may experience the following post-injection issues:

Apart from mentioned-above adverse reactions, people who receive Durolane may also experience more complicated individual symptoms, such as an allergic reaction, extreme pain, weakness, and others. A doctor should be informed if any complications occur after the injection session to provide proper medical support and avoid dangerous conditions in the future.

Limitations to Be Aware of

Even though Durolane is HA-based and safe for most individuals, the following conditions can be contraindications for this injectable:

Besides, pregnancy and breastfeeding may also be considered contraindications as it’s unknown how the solution may affect a patient or their baby. Thus, specialists recommend postponing the treatment till later to ensure nothing will hurt their clients.

Recovery After Durolane Injection

Durolane injections are minimally invasive treatments, so most people can go back to their daily routine practically immediately after the doctor’s appointment. Still, certain recommendations should be followed to make the recovery process faster and minimize the chances of experiencing side effects:

A cold compress may be applied to reduce irritation. A specialist may talk about more methods to eliminate discomfort after the injection session.

Buy Durolane Online at FillerSupplies!

Durolane knee injection is available at FillerSupplies at the best wholesale price! To place an order right now, log into your account and add Durolane injections to your cart; after our manager checks your license, they’ll confirm the order and ship it to your address as soon as possible.

To buy anything on our website, you must be a board-certified professional with a valid medical license. Without a perfect knowledge of human facial anatomy and enough experience in this sphere, it’s forbidden to work in the aesthetic medicine sphere because it can be dangerous for your patients. 

Buy Durolane online and enjoy all the benefits offered to our customers. Only the best conditions for the best professionals!

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