Dysport Treatment for Lines Between the Brows

Dysport Treatment for Lines Between the Brows

29 March 2022

We bet you have heard about Botox, a cosmetic injectable that is used to treat different types of fine lines, folds, and wrinkles. However, did you know that there exists a number of other brands with very similar active substances, working principles, and indications? Despite the fact that Xeomin, Vistabex, […]

How Dysport can restore a youthful appearance?

How Dysport can restore a youthful appearance?

25 September 2019

Thin girls often suffer from a lack of facial volume. It is unnoticeable when the skin is young and elastic. Those who’re in the middle 30-ties start observing little wrinkles and folds on the skin. In order to eliminate premature ageing doctors offer various procedures like different kinds of lifting, […]
