Necessity of dermal fillers usage according to their types

Dermal fillers

Facing the aging of a face skin

This irreversible process starts with 30 years already. It begins with the reducing the activity of skin cells – fibroblasts, therefore, the formation of collagen and elastin fibers decreases, and the renewal of the intercellular substance (i.e., hyaluronic acid) is slowed. That is why the elasticity of the skin, its tone, thickness and color changes, that skin becomes dry, as so – more wrinkles appear.

Many external factors – stress, unbalanced diet, bad habits, ultraviolet rays and various health problems –accelerate such an aging of the skin.

Consciously and unconsciously we express our emotions by the face, so dynamic (facial) wrinkles are formed. In addition, we have to deal with age-related ones, wrinkles from the nose to the corners of the lips (so called “crying lips”), wrinkles around eyes and on the bridge of the nose.

Safe an effective solution

Contour plastic injection is a non-surgical shaping of the contours of the face and other parts of the body with the help of injectable preparations – dermal fillers. Those preparations might be combined with treatment by botulinum toxin (A) injections, mesotherapy, other cosmetic procedures. It is a safe and quick way to improve one’s appearance.

Doctors insert fillers under the skin. By fillers volume, the face contour is lifting and becomes the desired shape. In cases where fillers are put into the deeper layers of the skin, along with wrinkle alignment, they stimulate skin cells (fibroblasts), so the formation of collagen and elastin fibers activates, the skin becomes even tenderer.

Types and results

Fillers can be divided into three main categories:

  • Collagen fillers,
  • Hyaluronic acid,
  • Calcium hydroxyl apatite.

Collagen is a natural protein. Usually collagen is inputted into the human skin to make up for the collagen lost due to the aging process, resulting in smoothed wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that is derived from the human body. It directly affects how the skin looks and how skin processes work. Hyaluronic acid gives the skin a volume and a healthy, young look.

Hydroxyl apatite is a very powerful skin filler. With it, it is possible to get rid of deep wrinkles, and add the volume to wrinkled cheeks.

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